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Founded in June 1993, BND Engineers, Inc. (BND) is a professional consulting engineering company providing comprehensive Civil, Environmental, Aviation and Transportation Engineering Services to both the Public and Private sectors.


BND is committed to assisting our clients by applying innovative solutions to complex problems while at the same time safeguarding the environment.


The firm specializes in delivering a highly professional product in a responsive time frame within our client’s budgetary constraints.

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We provide an unmatched value to our clients.  We foster creative work environments where we always challenge ourselves to improve our processes and procedures.



We are conscientious of the impact our engineering solutions has on the environment.  Therefore, we assist clients by providing clean, efficient, healthy, and cost effective solutions on all of our projects.



We are committed to providing high-quality services while meeting the clients requirements. We strive for continuous enhancement and improvement of our deliverables and products.



Our reputation for integrity in the marketplace and an ethical work environment for all of our employees are of utmost importance.



We are firmly committed to maintaining a safe and healthy environment in all of our offices and on each of our projects.

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